Harvey: Welcome to the GPT podcast.com I'm Harvey, and I'm here with my co-host Brooks. Today, we continue our AI in Healthcare Series, and we'll be diving into an important topic: how AI can help keep healthcare employees safe. It's a pressing issue in our society, and we have some fascinating facts to share with you. So, let's get started! Brooks: Thanks, Harvey. I'm really excited to delve into this topic today. It's a critical area where AI can make a significant impact. So, what are some key points we should know about? Harvey: Great question, Brooks! Let's start with the alarming statistics surrounding workplace violence. In 2020, homicides increased across U.S. cities, with a 33% rise in overall murders and a staggering 37% increase in gun homicides compared to the previous year. It was the largest single-year increase in more than a century, according to data published by the FBI. Brooks: Wow, those numbers are truly disturbing. It's clear that workplace violence is a major concern. Can you tell us more about its impact on the healthcare industry specifically? Harvey: Absolutely, Brooks. Workplace violence has reached epidemic levels in the healthcare industry. A study published in the American Journal of Managed Care found that seven out of ten emergency physicians reported being physically assaulted at work. Furthermore, 44% of nurses reported experiencing physical violence, and a staggering 68% experienced verbal abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brooks: That's incredibly concerning. It's disheartening to hear about healthcare professionals facing such violence while they're trying to save lives. So, how can AI help address this issue and ensure the safety of healthcare employees? Harvey: Another excellent question, AI offers a range of solutions to enhance security and prevent violence in healthcare settings. One approach is the utilization of AI-enabled security systems. For example, Northwell Health has implemented an AI-based security system, which incorporates advanced sensors, cameras, and machine learning models. These technologies work together to create safer zones within healthcare facilities, allowing the majority of foot traffic to flow while detecting and stopping individuals with firearms from entering. Brooks: That's fascinating, It's incredible to see how AI can be leveraged to protect healthcare workers and the visiting public. Are there any other initiatives or research being conducted in this area? Harvey: Absolutely, Northwell Health's Center for Gun Violence Prevention is actively involved in coordinating efforts on a local, state, and national level to address gun violence as a top healthcare priority. They're conducting research on hospital-based violence intervention strategies, developing a public health approach to combat this epidemic, and leading a peer-to-peer learning collaborative of over 600 hospitals and health systems from 38 states. This collaborative aims to develop and implement best practices to reduce gun violence. Brooks: That's commendable work being done by Northwell Health and the Center for Gun Violence Prevention. It's essential to have a coordinated approach to combat this issue. Now, you mentioned the value of peace of mind. Can you elaborate on that? Harvey: Absolutely, As business leaders, we have a responsibility to create environments of safety for our employees. Unsafe work environments lead to job dissatisfaction, burnout, and low levels of productivity. This reality is unsustainable, but luckily there are accessible and effective solutions available. Apart from adopting new technologies like AI, senior leaders should prioritize the creation and implementation of comprehensive workplace violence prevention plans and ensure company-wide training to socialize these initiatives. Brooks: That's a great point, Providing a safe work environment not only protects employees physically but also contributes to their overall well-being and productivity. It's clear that addressing workplace violence is crucial. Harvey: Absolutely, We live in a more dangerous world, and now is the moment for us to leverage AI and our leadership to take action for the safety, security, and peace of mind of our employees and the visiting public in our care. Harvey: Alright, listeners, we've covered some compelling facts and insights on how AI can help keep healthcare employees safe. Stay tuned as we delve further into this topic in the next segment of our AI in Healthcare Series. Remember to visit our website for more information and resources. Thanks for joining us today, and until next time, stay safe and take care!